Feathercoin  0.5.0
P2P Digital Currency
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cbase_uint< BITS >Base class without constructors for uint256 and uint160
 CCAccountAccount information
 CCAccountingEntryInternal transfers
 CCAddrDBAccess to the (IP) address database (peers.dat)
 CCAddrManStochastical (IP) address manager
 CCAutoBN_CTXRAII encapsulated BN_CTX (OpenSSL bignum context)
 CCAutoFileRAII wrapper for FILE*
 CCBase58DataBase class for all base58-encoded data
 CCBlockHeaderNodes collect new transactions into a block, hash them into a hash tree, and scan through nonce values to make the block's hash satisfy proof-of-work requirements
 CCBlockIndexThe block chain is a tree shaped structure starting with the genesis block at the root, with each block potentially having multiple candidates to be the next block
 CCBlockLocatorDescribes a place in the block chain to another node such that if the other node doesn't have the same branch, it can find a recent common trunk
 CCBlockUndoUndo information for a CBlock
 CCBloomFilterBloomFilter is a probabilistic filter which SPV clients provide so that we can filter the transactions we sends them
 CCBufferedFileWrapper around a FILE* that implements a ring buffer to deserialize from
 CCCheckQueue< T >Queue for verifications that have to be performed
 CCCheckQueueControl< T >RAII-style controller object for a CCheckQueue that guarantees the passed queue is finished before continuing
 CCClientUIInterfaceSignals for UI communication
 CCCoinControlCoin Control Features
 CCCoinsPruned version of CTransaction: only retains metadata and unspent transaction outputs
 CCCoinsViewAbstract view on the open txout dataset
 CCCrypterEncryption/decryption context with key information
 CCDataStreamDouble ended buffer combining vector and stream-like interfaces
 CCDBRAII class that provides access to a Berkeley database
 CCFlatDataWrapper for serializing arrays and POD
 CCInPointAn inpoint - a combination of a transaction and an index n into its vin
 CCInvInv message data
 CCKeyAn encapsulated private key
 CCKeyPoolA key pool entry
 CCKeyStoreA virtual base class for key stores
 CCMasterKeyMaster key for wallet encryption
 CCMedianFilter< T >Median filter over a stream of values
 CCMerkleBlockUsed to relay blocks as header + vector<merkle branch> to filtered nodes
 CCMessageHeaderMessage header
 CCMutexLock< Mutex >Wrapper around boost::unique_lock<Mutex>
 CCNetAddrIP address (IPv6, or IPv4 using mapped IPv6 range (::FFFF:0:0/96))
 CCNodeInformation about a peer
 Cjson_spirit::Config_map< String >
 Cjson_spirit::Config_vector< String >
 CCOutPointAn outpoint - a combination of a transaction hash and an index n into its vout
 CCPartialMerkleTreeData structure that represents a partial merkle tree
 CCPubKeyAn encapsulated public key
 CCReserveKeyA key allocated from the key pool
 CCRPCTableBitcoin RPC command dispatcher
 CCScriptCheckClosure representing one script verification Note that this stores references to the spending transaction
 CCScriptCompressorCompact serializer for scripts
 CCSemaphoreGrantRAII-style semaphore lock
 CCTransactionThe basic transaction that is broadcasted on the network and contained in blocks
 CCTxInAn input of a transaction
 CCTxInUndoUndo information for a CTxIn
 CCTxOutAn output of a transaction
 CCTxOutCompressorWrapper for CTxOut that provides a more compact serialization
 CCTxUndoUndo information for a CTransaction
 CCUnsignedAlertAlerts are for notifying old versions if they become too obsolete and need to upgrade
 CCValidationStateCapture information about block/transaction validation
 CCVarInt< I >
 CCWalletKeyPrivate key that includes an expiration date in case it never gets used
 Cjson_spirit::Json_grammer< Value_type, Iter_type >::definition< ScannerT >
 Cjson_spirit::Generator< Value_type, Ostream_type >
 Cleveldb::SkipList< Key, Comparator >::Iterator
 Climitedmap< K, V >STL-like map container that only keeps the N elements with the highest value
 CLockedPageManagerBase< Locker >Thread-safe class to keep track of locked (ie, non-swappable) memory pages
 CLockedPageManagerBase< MemoryPageLocker >
 CMemoryPageLockerOS-dependent memory page locking/unlocking
 Cmruset< T >STL-like set container that only keeps the most recent N elements
 Cmruset< CInv >
 Cmruset< int >
 Cjson_spirit::Multi_pass_iters< Istream_type >
 Cleveldb::SkipList< Key, Comparator >::Node
 Cjson_spirit::Pair_impl< Config >
 Czero_after_free_allocator< T >::rebind< _Other >
 Csecure_allocator< T >::rebind< _Other >
 Cjson_spirit::Semantic_actions< Value_type, Iter_type >
 Cleveldb::SkipList< Key, Comparator >
 Cleveldb::SkipList< const char *, KeyComparator >
 Cleveldb::SkipList< Key, leveldb::Comparator >
 Cjson_spirit::Stream_reader< Istream_type, Value_type >
 Cjson_spirit::Stream_reader_thrower< Istream_type, Value_type >
 CTransactionRecordUI model for a transaction
 CTransactionStatusUI model for transaction status
 Cjson_spirit::internal_::Type_to_type< T >
 Cjson_spirit::Value_impl< Config >